Property Owner/Realtor Information

“The seller of any property located in the Township, which is connected to the System shall be required to retain the services of a master plumber or utility contractor for the purposes of conducting an inspection of the Private Sewer Service Lateral. The inspection shall require a video inspection of the Private Sanitary Sewer Lateral from the residence or other connected structure to the connection to the System and contain a report of the inspection result. Such video shall be given to the Township and/or Authority for review”

1. Schedule your inspection as soon as possible to avoid any delays in your settlement. 


2. The plumber/contractor must video the entire length of the exterior lateral from the outside wall of your building/home to the sewer main located in the street.  A question to ask your plumber/contractor is if they are able to maneuver their equipment through a trap if there are no accessible cleanouts?


3. Be advised that in the event you do have a trap in your yard, and for whatever reason the plumber/contractor is unable to push the camera through, a cleanout will need to be installed so that the inspection can be completed. 


4.  The video inspection report, contractor signature page and a flash drive (USB) must be dropped off at Hatfield Township Municipal Authority located at 3200 Advance Lane, Colmar.  We will not accept any other file submission except flash drive (USB).  Email and SD cards are prohibited.  The Authority requires a WEEK minimum to review the footage. 


5. The Authority nor the Township can give you recommendations on a suitable plumber/contractor however we STRONGLY SUGGEST you inquire as to whether or not they have the proper equipment to push through a trap (if necessary) before choosing a company. 


Below you will find links to helpful documents pertaining to the Lateral Inspection Program. 

Instructions/signature page
Lateral Video Inspection form
Grinder Pump Inspection form
Ordinance #696 - Private Sewer Lateral Inspections

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