November 4, 2022
Hatfield, Pa. - Senator Maria Collett (D-12 Montgomery/Bucks) and Representative Steve Malagari (D-53 Montgomery) announced $850,000 in state grant funding for critical improvements to the Hatfield Township Municipal Authority (HTMA), which provides sewer services to Hatfield Township, Hatfield Borough, and portions of Montgomery, Franconia and Hilltown Townships.
“There’s perhaps no group more critical to protecting our public health, environment and economy than the dedicated folks who manage its pipes, wells and treatment plants,” said Senator Collett. “The $850,000 we were able to secure for the HTMA to expand and improve its facility will make it safer and more accommodating for the dedicated people who work there and add features to help them better serve the community.”
“After working to help secure this funding, it’s great to see that it has been approved and that we can get started on this project,” Rep. Malagari said. “The Hatfield Township Municipal Authority needs a building that can support the needs of its citizens. I’m glad we are getting the resources we need to make it happen.”
Mindy Stinson, HTMA Executive Assistant/Office Manager added: “This expansion will allow us to secure and modernize our facility to meet the needs of our growing staff and customer base. We’re grateful to Senator Collett and Representative Malagari recognizing the urgency of this project and throwing their full support behind us.”
Following the announcement, the project’s coordinator Mindy Stinson showed Senator Collett and Representative Malagari around the facility, highlighting concerns like a cramped office space and accessibility deficiencies and walking through improvement plans, including a secured lobby area, ADA accessible restrooms, and a new conference room to host trainings and serve as an emergency management hub.
This award was funded through Pennsylvania’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) administered by the Office of the Budget.
Senator Collett: Bailey Landis, [email protected], 215-688-0493
Representative Malagari: Gillian Ladley, [email protected], 267-768-3671